I finally talked to him today, and he said that he wasnt actually done, so thats a relief that he didnt steal.
Hey guys. Just got done redoing some of my userpage, such as favorites, images, blah blah blah. Anyway. Cryzabey's brother reset his computer to factory default, meaning he has to redo his coding from our last version. Anyway, he knows what he's doing so it wont be too long.
I've been getting pretty bored, for some reason i have a lot of free time, so i found this background and put my name on it. (Not as in stealing, as in a design) and it looks pretty cool.
So ill post an update on my userpage about the game, and i hope you guys enjoy it. ;)
Heres a shout out to my buds from the Reg Lounge. WOOOOO!
It's looking good andy.
lol first comment ftw.