Sup Newgrounds. Wanna see a screenie of a new game I'm working on with Cryzabey? Too Bad. Look anyway. Its just about done, so stay tuned.
The point of this game? Its to pig-out and avoid the evil veggies! =D
Sorry about the bad quality =P
I used to be Blackfang. Make a game with me you sluts
Age 32, Male
Flash Artist
New Jersey, USA
Joined on 8/27/05
Posted by Kool-Aid - August 2nd, 2008
Sup Newgrounds. Wanna see a screenie of a new game I'm working on with Cryzabey? Too Bad. Look anyway. Its just about done, so stay tuned.
The point of this game? Its to pig-out and avoid the evil veggies! =D
Sorry about the bad quality =P
looks great can't wait to play it
thanks alot =D
gobble gobble - thats the sound a turkey makes
bock bock-thats the sound a chicken makes
This aint new joorsy kid
Anyway that looks awesomeage.
hey im from new jooosey!
but im not fat =D
If you need beta testers I'll beta for you :3
thanks. ill get back to you if we need any =D
I never said you were fat :O
but it would explain alot.
lol oh alright
"New" game huh?
Seen this a year ago!
Its alllll completely redone. menus and everything.
Looks cool, if you need a beta, yo.
Also, are you adding anything unique to this game? it's just that this type of game has been done alot. thats all =)
Yeah. we didnt really expect it to turn into a huge game, but i guess it kinda did =P. Theres some unique powerups that are involved, and more gameplay as the game goes on.
look at my post human earth pig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
...uh what?
andy, is that the name of your new game, Fat Game? wow lol. kids dont try this at home.
haha its not called the fat game. we really dont have a name yet.
yay now i have 14
The fangs on the picture to the left look like black cocks.
i did it for the lulz
Backrounds almost look a bit like bomtoon's art. :|
I can pig out without getting fat! (in real life) The magic of games.
Have a good day sir.
And remember folks, don't let this game be an example of what to do in reality.
xD Nice